Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Federalist Paper #51 - E.C.

Federalist Paper #51 talks about how they thought it was necessary to have a balanced
government. Checks and Balances was created to keep things in order so that one branch couldn't overpower another branch. Also, they created the House of Representatives and the Senate so that common people had a say too. They tried to keep it so that a dictatorship wouldn't happen and so that things wouldn't get our of control. A strong, good government was important so that it would protect the liberties of the people.

This Federalist Paper is also an important paper because it kept our country in line so that one part couldn't overpower another. If that were to happen then the whole purpose of trying to make a working government would be completely pointless. I like the fact that they came up with the House of Representatives and the Senate so that the common people had a say too because they are just as equal as the more "wealthy" men in the US. Also, the whole idea of Checks and Balances is a good way to "check" on each other so that we don't overpower ourselves.

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