Monday, March 3, 2008

March 23,1917
French soldier
Berlin, 14:03

Dear Journal,

It’s getting pretty bad out here, we’re freezing and I’m stuck out here diggin’ trenches. We switched to sandbags because we saw that that’s what the British and German have been a using and it seems more helpful from keeping the trenches from cavin’ right on in and buildin’ over then those darn hurdles we French have been a using.

The darn rain and mud ain’t helpin’ much with my job either. I keep getting’ stuck and I’ve had to been pulled out a few times…speaking of being pulled out, one of my buddies I got sent o’er here with cuz we got the same birthday, he was found stuck in the mud with only his helmet and his eyebrows a showing. The darn ground sucked him right on under the worst thing I ever have saw.

I’m thinking things are going to settle down soon, the rains been a lightening up a little but the good Lord is still spittin’ at us every now and then.

Guess I best get back to trench diggin’ before it gets dark and we switch up the shifts, nice talking to you journal.


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